Friday, September 30, 2016

How I interpret my OCs

Hi guys, I have huge problem that I couldn't over come on my own,

This is I can't saddle on one design for my OC-sona, at last for humanoid one.
I put photos of most versions of my OC-sonas. They are sorted chronological(at very bottom of the post) and include very first I made(and that's why they are so bad) as well as current(it's really nice to look back and see progress). I find hard to resist polishing OC over and over as well as it sometimes happens that I don't consider it suiting after a longer period of time, yes, it is truth I changed myself a lot during this last year but some thinks stead the same, like:

- I don't interact with peoples too much.
- I act shy when talking to new peoples.
- I act shy in front of the audience (then I speak much quieter witch it a problem).
- I'm observer (means I like to observe others and try to understand why then act way the do rather then take part in events myself).
- I do research for fun (as I gladly learn to understand world).
- I do enjoys making (mostly drawing and editing audio & video) and watching art (especially games).
- I put logic over memory.
- I have hold back to spending resources (it's mostly effecting my game play)
- ones interested with something I try hard to lineup to expeditions
but there where changes-I don't well need to interact with peoples- => I feel lacks in my social life
-I don't care nor understand girls- => I find it easier to interact with females then with my own gander
-I used to hold back to talk to others- => when I have something to say I will do say
-following rules polity politely and acting subjective- => still following rules but know how to push when needed
Things I had developed during this time
- Self understanding.
- Understanding of behaviors.
How peoples react to me
- Most people's say my defining characteristic is kindness.
- I easily grain trust (this combined with my luck and I find a lot of dirty secrets).
- I'm one many people's go to talk out feeling and find understanding.
This all are things I want to picture in my OC;
and it's how I gone about it so far.

Shen(pony) - is just this pony who have few friends and sands most time studding entreating magic. He reflects my intend of understating world and my social interaction (especially in his bio)

Blue Topaz(gem) - well she don't have a bio(maybe ones I will have a better grasp of SU universe and some idea I will make one) but looks make up for it. Since games are motorcyclist(or a lat one color is very dominant) and blue is color of thrust it was my go too. She is blade dancer because I;m quiet and they usually fight in silence and it's fight style I can see myself preforming. Pony tail and well as white parts on her costume make her look more smooth as her body shape as it's  not so siting for someone why fight with two light

Shen(furry) - I pretty much drooped idea as I;m saddle on black panther but I don't feel like anything I can do will make it quince

-I both not interact with peoples much as have treads that lead my fiend to believe I have no troubles starting new friendship (it's hard because I lack experience and not notice things others peoples do). I also like concept beastkin with all lead to neko ears.
-wings are not only concept I enjoy a lot but also represent how I'm disconnected from peoples around.
-short black hairs are how my hairs are (but even shorter) and I simply find it hard to imagine myself in any other hair cut or color (also my hairs are very deans and then they get longer it's hard to keep them clean)
-blue eyes are lie, it's not color I have my it's color of eyes I love.
-multiple tails are there to complement neko ears and wings, but I also really like them.
-black pants are there simply because it's color I ware most of the time
-white shirt it a lie, I don't have a white shirts but it just looks good on otherwise dark character
-green jack is a thing I have and since I do like green a lot it's what I put on my OC often
-color of my sink is somewhat Italian but it shifts in different seasons
My Problem is that Shen(humanoid) is not not exactly way I want him. I want to keep all stuff I mention but there is something about him that make me want to try re-design him over and over until.., I don't know how long, but there is something off about him that doesn't allow to fully connect to him. I was thinking of maybe making him into indirect magic user, but then it won't be fix anytime soon. I'm likely to post some mage chatterers that will be my looking on way to poke topic of magic any ones I find something that suits my I will as it to my charter, but still I have a feeling like it won't be enough. Ones think I miss most in my OC is my need for social life

anyways, here my OC and all they faces

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